Wednesday 7 August 2013

Elephant facts


  Elephants are the largest land mammals of then all and can live up to about 70 years old, they are very strong and are able to lift and move very heavy objects and some countries use them to do work instead of machines. 
  Male African elephants can weigh up to 7000kg ( 7 tons ) and can grow up to 3 to 4 meters tall. Male Indian elephants are a bit smaller and can weigh up to 5000kg ( 5 tons ) and grow up to about 3 meters tall. African elephants have larger ears than a Indian elephant but event though their ears are very big their hearing is not that good. Their ears also help to keep them cool and the backs of their ears are the softest part of bodies which is called the knuckle.
  A male elephant is called a Bull, a female elephant is called a cow and a baby elephant is called a calf and when they are in groups this is called a herd. Usually a female elephant will only have one baby at a time.
  Elephants are herbivores and eat all type of vegetation such as grasses, fruit, leaves, bark and much more. They can eat as long as 16 hours and eat as much as 225kg of food a day.
  Elephants tusks are made of ivory which are very valuable but unfortunately the elephants can be hunted illegally and killed for them so they can be sold to make money this is very sad that this happens.  

Wednesday 27 March 2013

the big hungery ginger cat

As the cat walks around hunting for its food looking left and right his ears suddnly ponted up strat like a flower growing really fast.It can smell food coming.It can hear little squeaks coming to words him.He can taste mouse he is thinking shoud i get ready to catch the mouse but i have to hide first.he can hear his crazy oner coming. so he comes out of his hiding spot.But it terns out it is his crazy oner acting like a mouse.

By Amber

Amber's Life Processes Information Report